
Media Kit


Christopher Caulfield led his basketball teams to countless victories. A stand out in so many ways, local media and ESPN stood up and took notice, along with everyone this young man has ever met. His story is unique not because of his extraordinary athleticism, but his resilience regardless of him being Deaf. He became a star player and achieved academic success in college while inspiring others to persevere against their setbacks.

Christopher had been a Division I college basketball recruit before even attending high school. Despite certain struggles with academic work he overcame his difficulties and later attended the Rochester Institute of Technology studying computer science and graduated Cum Laude. Christopher chose this path because he believes through his efforts in this field that “the lives of people with disabilities will also be made easier through accessibility applications.”

EPHPHATHA is a story of one man’s heart, courage, and resilience who never let his disability hold him back from his passion while inspiring others to do the same.

“Where once he thought of his limitations, Christopher now sees possibilities and opportunities.”—Dana O’Neil, ESPN senior writer

Additional Media Information

EPHPHATHA: Growing Up Profoundly Deaf and Not Dumb in the Hearing World: A Basketball Player’s Transformational Journey to the Ivy League (March 2019) by Dr. Thomas M. Caulfield is the motivational story of his son, Christopher Caulfield, who despite being born Deaf, overcame the challenges of his disability.

Dr. Thomas Caulfield is available to discuss:

  • The details of his son’s cochlear implant and cross facial nerve graft surgeries
  • How Christopher’s success in athletics served him in everyday life
  • The hardships that Christopher endured in school and on the basketball court

Available on in paperback, e-book, and audiobook.

Please let us know if we can send you EPHPHATHA for review or feature consideration!

Proud member of the Nonfiction Authors Association

Proud Member of the Non Fiction Authors Association

And ESPN Comes Calling!

Story courtesy of Dana O’Neil,

ABC Channel 15

Video courtesy of WCIA TV, Champaign, IL


For additional media inquiries, please contact the author by using the form below.


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